Evaluation of the effectiveness of intracoronary streptokinase infusion in acute myocardial infarction: Postprocedure management and hospital course in 204 patients

Abstract A multicenter study evaluated the early management and subsequent hospital course of 204 patients with acute myocardial infarction who were receiving intracoronary infusions of streptokinase (STK). The in-hospital mortality in 37 patients with thrombotic occlusion of the infarct-related vessel, in whom recanalization could not be achieved, was 24%. However, the cardiac mortality in 129 patients who were successfully treated by percutaneous transluminal coronary recanalization (PTCR) was only 5.4%. Cardiac deaths (five patients) and nonfatal reinfarctions (20 patients) occurred in the early period in the cardiac care unit (CCU) in 21% of the latter group and, despite anticoagulation measures, could not be consistently prevented. Hemorrhagic complications, necessitating blood transfusion, occurred in 15 (7.4%) of the total 204 patients in the group, usually in the acute CCU stage, and were positively related to decline of fibrinogen serum concentrations below 100 mg/dl and to use of the Judkins technique. The later course of most of the patients on the general ward was uneventful until hospital discharge. Thus there were only two more cardiac deaths, and of 64 successfully treated STK-PTCR patients who left the CCU without clinical indications of reinfarction and agreed to repeat coronary angiography before hospital discharge, the infarct-related vessel was patent in 59 patients and reoccluded in only five (7.8%).
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