Towards a complete mass spectrum of type-IIB flux vacua at large complex structure.

The large number of moduli fields arising in a generic string theory compactification makes a complete computation of the low energy effective theory infeasible. A common strategy to solve this problem is to consider Calabi-Yau manifolds with discrete symmetries, which effectively reduce the number of moduli and make the computation of the truncated Effective Field Theory possible. In this approach, however, the couplings (e.g., the masses) of the truncated fields are left undetermined. In the present paper we discuss the tree-level mass spectrum of type-IIB flux compactifications at Large Complex Structure, focusing on models with a reduced one-dimensional complex structure sector. We compute the tree-level spectrum for the dilaton and complex structure moduli, \emph{including the truncated fields}, which can be expressed entirely in terms of the known couplings of the reduced theory. We show that the masses of this set of fields are naturally heavy at vacua consistent with the KKLT construction, and we discuss other phenomenologically interesting scenarios where the spectrum involves fields much lighter than the gravitino. We also derive the probability distribution for the masses on the ensemble of flux vacua, and show that it exhibits universal features independent of the details of the compactification. We check our results on a large sample of flux vacua constructed in an orientifold of the Calabi-Yau $\mathbb{WP}^4_{[1,1,1,1,4]}$. Finally, we also discuss the conditions under which the spectrum derived here could arise in more general compactifications.
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