La suspensión del contrato de trabajo por nacimiento: ¿hacia una efectiva corresponsabilidad?

espanolLa finalidad de este trabajo radica en analizar, desde un punto de vista critico, la configuracion actual de la suspension del contrato de trabajo por nacimiento tras la reforma operada por el Real Decreto-ley 6/2019, de 1 de marzo, de medidas urgentes para garantia de la igualdad de trato y de oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres en el empleo y la ocupacion. Asi, mediante este analisis critico, se pretende verificar si la regulacion de esta modalidad de suspension del contrato en el ordenamiento juridico-laboral interno resulta adecuada para garantizar una corresponsabilidad efectiva en el ambito familiar. A tal fin, primero, se explica el fundamento de esta modalidad de suspension; segundo, se presenta su evolucion en el ordenamiento juridico espanol desde la decada de los 80; y, tercero, se analiza y valora su alcance actual. EnglishThe aim of this paper is to analyse, from a critical point of view, the current configuration of the suspension of the employment contract due to birth after the reform operated by Royal Decree Law 6/2019, of March 1, of urgent measures to guarantee equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in employment and occupation. Therefore, by means of this critical analysis, we will try to verify if the regulation of this modality of suspension of the contract within the national labour legal system is adequate to guarantee an effective co-responsibility in the context of family. To that end, first, we will make a brief conceptual approach to co-responsibility, differentiating it from the classic notion of conciliation; secondly, we will explain the basis for this type of suspension; thirdly, we will present its evolution in the Spanish legal system since the 80s; and, lastly, we will analyse and evaluate its current scope.
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