Comparison of test methods and early toxicity characterization for five dispersants.

Abstract The acute toxicities of a commercial dispersant (Corexit 9527) and four experimental dispersant formulations were evaluated using the 96-h mysid ( Mysidopsis bahia ) test and two rapid screening tests, Microtox and the Mysid IQ Toxicity Test. During 96-h toxicity tests, survival observations were recorded at 3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 h to document mortalities from short-term exposures more consistent with field exposure times and more approximate to exposure times used in Microtox and the Mysid IQ Toxicity Test. At nominal concentrations (6.25 and 12.5 mg/liter) and exposure times (3–24 h) near the upper range of predicted field conditions, mysid mortalities were ≤5% for all test materials. Microtox and Mysid IQ Toxicity Test were evaluated for their ability to differentiate test materials compared with that of the 96-h mysid test. Dispersant formulations were ranked by relative toxicities based on LC 50 or EC 50 values and ranks compared among test methods. Microtox ranked the test materials similar to the 96-h mysid test. Ranks from the Mysid IQ Toxicity Test were dissimilar to those of the other tests. Early mortality observations during 96-h tests did not provide a better basis for comparing results of the rapid screening tests.
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