Laparoscopic transduodenal papillosphincteroplasty.

In the past 20 years, the approach to biliary lithiasis has changed tremendously as a result of advances in endoscopic and laparoscopic techniques. The two most important open surgical techniques involve extraction of the stones from the common bile duct combined with choledochoenterostomy and papillotomy followed by transduodenal papillosphinteroplasty. Ideally, the choledochotomy is followed by the insertion of a T-tube in the common bile duct. The transcystic approach has never been considered. The first endoscopic papillotomy was performed in 1973. Subsequently, it became the most widely used method for removal of common bile duct stones. In this report we explore the possibility of performing a laparoscopic transduodenal papillosphincteroplasty, following the strict rules commonly used in surgery. After cholecystectomy, a Fogarty catheter, is introduced through the cystic duct. This is followed by a minimal duodenotomy, then incision of the papillar sphincter. In this surgical proposal, we do not intend to substitute technique, but this method should be considered the ultimate solution in the laparoscopic approach to cholecystic choledocholithiasis.
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