The balanced connected subgraph problem

Abstract The problem of computing induced subgraphs that satisfy some specified restrictions arises in various applications of graph algorithms and has been well studied. In this paper, we consider the following ( ) problem. The input is a graph G = ( V , E ) , with each vertex in the set V having an assigned color, “ ” or “ ”. We seek a maximum-cardinality subset V ′ ⊆ V of vertices that is (having exactly | V ′ | ∕ 2 red vertices and | V ′ | ∕ 2 blue vertices), such that the subgraph induced by the vertex set V ′ in G is connected. We show that the BCS problem is NP-hard, even for bipartite graphs G (with red/blue color assignment not necessarily being a proper 2-coloring). Further, we consider this problem on various graph classes, e.g., planar graphs, chordal graphs, trees, split graphs, bipartite graphs with a proper red/blue 2-coloring, and graphs with diameter 2. For each of these classes we either prove NP-hardness or design a polynomial time algorithm.
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