Comunicación corta CARACTERÍSTICAS METROLÓGICAS EN LA DETERMINACIÓN DE AZÚCARES REDUCTORES PARA EL CONTROL DE LA CALIDAD EN MEZCLAS DE OLIGOGALACTURÓNIDOS Short communication Metrological characteristics in the determination of reducing sugars for quality control in oligogalacturonides mixture

Oligogalacturonides are lineal oligomers of D-galacturonic acid linked by α (1-4) linkage. The biological activity of the oligogalacturonides is varied that is determined by their polymerization degree and concentration. The National Institute of Agricultural Science counts on a Cuban patent for the obtaining for enzymatic manner of oligogalacturonides mixture, of distinct degrees of polymerization. The quality control of these mixtures, includes the analysis of uronic acids, neutral sugars and reducing sugars content, were the last ones are a principal factor in determination of polymerization degree average that these mixtures present. The aim of these work was carried out the analysis of the metrological characteristic of the espectrophotometric method of Nelson's for determination of content of reducing sugars in oligogalacturonides mixtures, such as linearity, precision and detection and quantification limits. As a result it was obtained that Nelson's method has a lineal character in the range of concentration of 20-200 µg.mL -1 , characterized by a correlation coefficient r = 0,999453 and a determination coefficient R 2 = 0,999 which indicated good correlation between reducing sugar concentration and absorbance. The precision of the method was determined by two procedures, in which didn't surpass the established value as variability limit of 5 %. The detection limits and quantification were in the order of 2,0 ± 0,6 µg.mL -1 and 6 ± 2 µg.mL -1 , respectively. RESUMEN. Los oligogalacturonidos constituyen oligomeros lineales de acido D-galacturonico unidos por enlaces del tipo α (1-4). La actividad biologica de los oligogalacturonidos es variada y esta determinada por su grado de polimerizacion
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