Bir Kadın Sağlığı Merkezinde Yapılan Yeni Düzenlemeler Sonrasında Değerlendirilen Cinsel İstismar Vakalarının Analizi

Aim: To highlight the importance of interinstitutional collaboration for the long term mental and physical health of sexually abused women. Material and Methods: Sexually abused forensic cases who were admitted to University of Health Sciences Zekai Tahir Burak Women’s Health, Health Application and Research Center between January-September 2017 were retrospectively evaluated from the records in forensic cases unit. Ages, gravidity, parity, presence of pregnancy, marital status, attending institution, number of admissions as forensic case previously, hospitalization, presence of assault, tests performed, by whom she was examined, whether the ‘Sexually abused case form’ was filled, presence of informed consent, alcohol-substance abuse were noted from the records. Results: Between January-September 2017, 14 expert opinion reports, 182 ‘period of delay’ reoprts, 16 woman prisoner examination reports, 31 sexual abuse reports, 7 reports for pregnant women due to traffic accident-suicide-electric shock were arranged. Sexually abused case form were filled for 9 women after June 2017. Conclusion: Unless appropriate precautions are taken, sexual abuse can cause progressive harmful effects over the mental and physical health of women. Interinstitutional collaboration is vital for the long term health of these women.
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