Perspective of nursing students on curricular training / Perspectiva dos discentes de enfermagem sobre o estágio curricular / Perspectiva de estudiantes de enfermeira em el práctica curricular

Objective: To characterize the curricular training in the Nursing Course of a public educational institution.  Methods: descriptive exploratory study, whose the population was of 61 students who attended the 8th and 9th period and were enrolled in the curricular training. The sample consisted of 44 students, who agreed in answer a form with open and closed questions. Data were typed in Excel version 2010 and organized in tables and graphs.  Results: Majority of students were females, with age between 21 and 26 years. The traineeship was conducted predominantly in hospitals. When asked about the physical infrastructure of the institutions in which they performed the stage (43.18%) reported that they were appropriate and (43.18%) reported partially adequate. Interpersonal relationships between students, teachers, health staff and patients were considered adequate. Regarding the safety of students in the development of practical activities on stage (55%) reported that developed the practices with safety, (43%) with partial security, and (2%) with insecurity. The majority reported that taught theoretical contents were partially applied on stage.  Conclusion: The curricular training presented aspects that promote student learning, however there was a centrality of the hospital as a field of practice of curricular training. Keywords: Clinical Clerkship. Education Nursing. Nursing.
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