Elimination from the organism and distribution throughout the organs of synthetic polycations based on conidine

Natural and synthetic polycations have an important pharmacological property, viz., antagonism with respect to heparin (I), Their reaction with I consists in the formation of a large number of salt bonds that Join together two oppositely charged molecules to form a cooperative polyelectrolyte complex. A study of several polycatlons has shown that in appropriate doses they effectively and irreversibly neutralize the anticoagulant effect of I and have a number of advantages over the protamine salts used in medicine [I, 2, 3]. The solution of the problems that are associated withthe clinical application of synthetic antagonists of I depends on finding ways to decrease their toxicity and is determined to a great extent by the completeness of elimination of the polycations from the organism after they have fulfilled their principal pharmacological function= The possible methods for the solution of this problem may involvethe synthesisof monodispersed oligomeric cations, as well as polycations that are capable of undergoing biodestruction in the organism.
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