Integrable quantum spin chains with free fermionic and parafermionic spectrum

We present a general study of the large family of exact integrable quantum chains with multispin interactions introduced recently in \cite{AP2020}. The exact integrability follows from the algebraic properties of the energy density operators defining the quantum chains. The Hamiltonians are characterized by a parameter $p=1,2,\dots$ related to the number of interacting spins in the multispin interaction. In the general case the quantum spins are of infinite dimension. In special cases, characterized by the parameter $N=2,3,\ldots$, the quantum chains describe the dynamics of $Z(N)$ quantum spin chains. The simplest case $p=1$ corresponds to the free fermionic quantum Ising chain ($N=2$) or the $Z(N)$ free parafermionic quantum chain. The eigenenergies of the quantum chains are given in terms of the roots of special polynomials, and for general values of $p$ the quantum chains are characterized by a free fermionic ($N=2$) or free parafermionic ($N>2$) eigenspectrum. The models have a special critical point when all coupling constants are equal. At this point the ground-state energy is exactly calculated in the bulk limit, and our analytical and numerical analyses indicate that the models belong to universality classes of critical behavior with dynamical critical exponent $z = (p+1)/N$ and specific-heat exponent $\alpha = \max\{0,1-(p+1)/N\}$.
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