Attaining control by design over the hydrolytic stability of Fe-TAML oxidation catalysts.

The iron(III) complexes of tetra amidato macrocyclic ligands (TAMLs) , 1:  X1 = X2 = H, R2 = Me2 (a), R2 = (CH2)2 (b); X1 = X2 = Cl, R2 = F2 (c), etc.), which the proton is known to demetalate at pH < 3, are also subject to catalyzed demetalation by Bronsted acid buffer components at pH 4−9 such as H2PO4-, HSO3-, and CH3CO2H, HO2CCH2CO2-. Buffers based on pyridine (py) and tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (TRIS) are catalytically inactive. Where reactions proceed, the products are demetalated TAMLs and iron species of variable composition. Pseudo-first-order rate constants for the demetalation (kobs) are linear functions of the acid concentrations, and the effective second-order rate constants k1,eff have a hyperbolic dependence on [H+] (k1,eff = a1[H+]/(b1+[H+]). The rate of demetalation of 1a in H2PO4-/HPO42- buffer is appreciable, but the kobs values for 1b and 1c are immeasurably low, showing that the rates are strongly affected by the CR2 or “tail” fragments, which are known to potently affect the TAM...
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