Fast and Accurate Maximum Inner Product Recommendations on Map-Reduce

Personalization has become a predominant theme in online advertising; the internet allows advertisers to target only those users with the greatest chances of engagement, maximizing the probability of success and user happiness. However, a na{\"i}ve approach to matching users with their most suitable content scales proportionally to the product of the cardinalities of the user and content sets. For advertisers with large portfolios, this quickly becomes intractable. In this work, we address this more general {\em top-$k$ personalization} problem, giving a scalable method to produce recommendations based on personalization models where the affinity between a user and an item is captured by an inner product (i.e., most matrix factorization models). We first transform the problem into finding the $k$-nearest neighbors among the items for each user, then approximate the solution via a method which is particularly suited for use on a map-reduce cluster. We empirically show that our method is between 1 and 2 orders of magnitude faster than previous work, while maintaining excellent approximation quality. Additionally, we provide an open-source implementation of our proposed method, this implementation is used in production at Etsy for a number of large scale personalization systems, and is the same code as used in the experiments below.
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