Зміна ґрунтових параметрів у свіжому дубово-сосновому суборі під впливом напіввільного утримання мисливських тварин в умовах Центрального Полісся

The re­se­arch was con­duc­ted in fresh oak-co­ni­fe­ro­us fo­rest con­di­ti­ons (V2-dS) on the ter­ri­tory of 2 se­mi-free ma­in­te­nan­ce enclo­su­res in hun­ting farms of Ba­ra­nivske Hun­ting Fo­restry Sta­te En­terpri­se (Yav­nenske Fo­restry) and KSK Club LLC (Po­tashnyanske Fo­restry of Ra­domyshl Sta­te Fo­restry En­terpri­se) in Central Po­lissya, ba­sed on 24 full ge­obo­ta­nic descrip­ti­ons, wit­hin 4 bi­oge­oce­no­ses. Com­pa­ri­son of sco­res of so­il pa­ra­me­ters was per­for­med on un­dis­tur­bed fo­rest tri­al plots and dis­tur­bed ones un­der influ­en­ce of se­mi-free ma­in­te­nan­ce of un­gu­la­tes. The re­sults of re­se­arch ha­ve shown that the me­an sco­re of so­il hu­mi­dity was 11.93±0.12 on the control plots, and in enclo­su­res – 11.89±0.11, dif­fe­ren­ce in re­por­ted me­an val­ues wasnt es­sen­ti­al on 95 % con­fi­den­ce le­vel. Va­ri­abi­lity of so­il hu­mi­dity on control plots was cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the me­an sco­re 5.36±0.11, incre­asing in enclo­su­res to 5.94±0.14 sco­re (Ffact. = 10.58 > F0.95 = 4.30). The me­an sco­re of so­il aci­dity on control plots was 5.80±0.12, incre­asing in enclo­su­res to 6.49±0.11 (Ffact. = 17.36 > F0.95 = 4.30) which pro­bably was de­ter­mi­ned by brin­ging of salts of nat­ri­um and po­tas­si­um to the so­il with un­gu­la­tes uri­ne. The me­an sco­re of to­tal salt con­tent in the so­il on the control plots eq­ual­led 5.33±0.01 whe­re­as in enclo­su­res the in­dex incre­ase was fi­xed up to 5.78±0.12 ma­inly due to brin­ging of salts to the so­il with un­gu­la­tes excre­ment. Men­ti­oned abo­ve dif­fe­ren­ces of the me­an val­ues we­re es­sen­ti­al on 5 % sig­ni­fi­can­ce le­vel (Ffact. = 9.14 > F0.95 = 4.30). Qu­an­tity of cal­ci­um and mag­ne­si­um in the so­ils of control plots and enclo­su­res was cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the me­an sco­re 5.56±0.12 and 5.97±0.11 res­pec­ti­vely, an es­sen­ti­al incre­ase of the­ir con­tent to­ok pla­ce in enclo­su­res (Ffact. = 6.29 > F0.95 = 4.30). An incre­ase of con­tent of mi­ne­ral nit­ro­gen was fo­und in the so­ils ran­ging from 4.16±0.01 sco­res on control plots to 4.74±0.11 sco­res in enclo­su­re ma­in­te­nan­ce of un­gu­la­tes (Ffact. = 27.33 >> F0.95 = 4.30), which tes­ti­fi­es abo­ut an es­sen­ti­al brin­ging of nit­ro­us substan­ces to the so­il with ani­mals uri­ne. The me­an sco­res of so­il aera­ti­on we­re eq­ual­led 6.38±0.08 and 6.46±0.08 res­pec­ti­vely; the­se val­ues didnt dif­fer es­sen­ti­ally on 5 % sig­ni­fi­can­ce le­vel (Ffact. = 0.46 << F0.95 = 4.30) on the control plots and plots of se­mi-free ma­in­te­nan­ce of un­gu­la­tes. The re­se­arch con­duc­ted can be­co­me the ba­sis of further in­ves­ti­ga­ti­on of the influ­en­ce of se­mi-free ma­in­te­nan­ce of ga­me ani­mals on so­il pa­ra­me­ters in cer­ta­in fo­rest eco­lo­gi­cal con­di­ti­ons.
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