Chapter Three. Textile tools in ancient italian votive contexts: Evidence of dedication or production?

Spinning and weaving implements have been found frequently in Italian votive deposits and sanctuaries. These finds not only add another dimension to our view of ancient religious practices but are also important for our understanding of the development of social values and traditions associated with textile production. Nevertheless, on the basis of the published material it is possible to distinguish three groups of contexts differing in both intent and composition of material: actual votive deposits, foundation deposits and sanctuary workshops. This chapter summarizes information about textile tools from various votive deposits of Italy. Most textile tools may have been used before dedication but at least some of them were made for the purpose. Occasionally, the recipient of the votive gift is named by an inscription. The inscriptions in most cases were made before firing, so it is evident that the object was created specifically to be dedicated. Keywords: ancient religious practices; foundation deposits; Italian votive deposits; sanctuary workshops; textile production; textile tools
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