Субъект образования в контексте современной философии познания

Modern epistemology that has succeeded abstract gnoseology needs the holistic category of subject. The category should contain cognitive, logical, gnoseological, existential, cultural, historical, social, semantic and axiological qualities and properties. The level of abstraction for the cognitive subject descends, thus it is essential to reconsider the main notions and principles of the whole philosophy of cognition. Communication as a phenomenon that registers the cognitive subject’s alterations and value shifts is under consideration. The following approaches to the problem are studied: V.S. Mes’kov’s and A.A. Mamchenko’s “tripartite model of info-object”; L.A. Markova’s ideas of how J. Deleuze brings down the level of abstraction of the subject; Z.A. Sokuler’s new interpretation of E. Levinas’ understanding of the subject, its nature and role in the process of cognition
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