Comparison Between BRTS and Personnel Vehicle As Travel Choice In Indore

The Indore Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) also known as Ahilya Path is the Mass Rapid Transit System for Indore, Madhya Pradesh by AICTSL. Project was completed and functionalin early months of 2013. Since the beginning of system it is in a debate of being a success or failure. Like any other transit system the factor of failure or success in this case also is Travel Choice of user. Though running successfully in beginning the BRTS Indore is presently not showing results as expected, current paper contains a brief comparison of Travel Behavior of citizens of Indore between BRTS and Personnel Vehicles as per current scenario. The aim of the paper is to bring up some feasible solutions in Design of BRTS corridor or any other management aspect for the betterment of BRTS Indore. Keywords: BRTS, Travel Choice, Indore, Travel Behavior, Cost-time Analysis Cite this Article Ashish Choudhary , Tushar Tyagi, R. K. Pandit. Comparison Between Brts And Personnel Vehicle As Travel Choice In Indore. Trends in Transport Engineering and Applications . 2015; 2(3): 12–18p.
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