Friction properties of chemically modified starch

Starches of varying chemical structures were esterified with anhydrides, formulated into dry film lubricants with the addition of canola oil, and its friction properties investigated. In the absence of canola, chemically modified starch displayed a very high coefficient of friction (COF). Addition of canola resulted in a sharp decrease in COF, which decreased with increasing [canola] until it attained a minimum and constant value that was independent of the further increase in [canola]. This observation was attributed to the adsorption of the canola oil onto starch due to H-bonding between the ester groups of the canola triglycerides and the free hydroxyl groups of starch. Analysis of the [canola] vs COF data using the Langmuir adsorption model showed stronger adsorption of canola to modified starch with a lower degree of substitution (DS). This was attributed to the availability of more free hydroxyl group adsorption sites on starches with lower DS than those with higher DS. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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