Ocorrência de Contracaecum pelagicum Johnston & Mawson, 1942 (Nematoda, Anisakidae), em pinguim-de-magalhães (Spheniscus magellanicus Forster, 1781) (Aves, Spheniscidae) no litoral do Espírito Santo (Occurrence of Contracaecum pelagicum Johnston & Mawson, 1942 (Nematoda, Anisakidae) in Magellanic penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus Forster, 1781) (Aves, Spheniscidae) at Espírito Santo coast)

ABSTRACT The occurrence of gastrointestinal nematodes affecting a Magellanic penguin, which was submitted to necropsy after being found dead at the coast of Vitoria, Espirito Santo State, Brazil, was reported. A great number of juveniles nematodes and 48 adults (24 males and 24 females) were found in the stomach of the penguin. The parasite was diagnosed as Contracaecum pelagicum in agreement with the number and the distribution of the precloacal and postcloacal papillae of the male specimens. Other characteristics as distribution of the labial papillae, intestinal caecum and ventricular appendix ratio, spicules length, and total body length ratio were also in accordance to the well-known variation for the species, confirming the diagnosis. This work is the first report of the parasitism by C. pelagicum in Magellanic penguin found in the Southeast of Brazil. Keywords: Magellanic penguin, Spheniscus magellanicus, Nematoda, Contracaecum pelagicum REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRAFICAS ANDERSON, R.C.
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