Assessment of tuberculocidal efficiency of disinfectants according to manufacturers’ 'instructions and results of experimental studies using reference test strain mycobacterium terrae

Objective. The aim of the study was to investigate the tuberculocidal efficacy of disinfectants according to the manufacturers’ instructions and the results of experimental studies using a test strain of Mycobacterium terrae . Materials and methods. The instructions for 150 disinfectants (DS) were studied. An experimental evaluation of the tuberculocidal efficacy of 6 DS was carried out using the reference strain M. terrae . Results. A study of the documentation for the DS showed that from the number of DS produced before 2010, only 38.2 % of the drugs were recertified after 2010. Of these, only in 50.0 % of cases it was noted in the instructions that the recertification was carried out using the test microorganism M. terrae . From the number of DS produced after 2010, only 49.2 % of the drugs were certified using the M. terrae test strain. According to the results of laboratory assessment of DS, it was shown that drugs that did not pass re-certification using M. terrae have low tuberculocidal efficacy. Conclusions. It has been established that many manufacturers of DS during certification and recertification of drugs do not test the modes of their tuberculocidal efficacy on the regulated microorganism M. terrae . In the course of laboratory assessment of the tuberculocidal effect of DS, it was confirmed that the least effective drug was the one that did not pass re-certification using M. terrae .
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