Kajian tentang stabilitas KM. Surya Prima yang dibuat di Desa Borgo, Kec. Tanawangko, Kab. Minahasa Study on the stability of KM. Surya Prima built in Borgo Village, District of Tanawangko, Minahasa Regency

The stability of a ship is one of the important technical factors in supporting successful fishing operations, and ultimately improving the welfare of fishermen; therefore a study on the stability of KM. Surya Prima had been done in the village of Borgo, District of Tanawangko, Minahasa Regency. Dynamic stability is the stability of the vessel measured by giving a force at the boat to form a certain rocking angle. This stability is expressed as an area under the curve of static stability. Dynamic ship stability calculation results will be compared with the stability criteria according to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as in Fyson (1985) through the GZ curve. From the comparison it will get the level of dynamic stability of the vessel under study. Dynamic stability parameter values of Surya Prima purse seine vessel were: A (0-300) = 0.1179 m-rad., B (0-400) = 0.1935 m-rad., C (30-400) = 0.07552 m-rad., D (Angle GZmax) = 48 097, E (GZmin) = 0.475 m, F (GM) = 0965 m.
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