Мобильное жилье как функционально-типологическая разновидность индустрии современного домостроения

Problem statement . Current socio-demographic conditions in Ukraine and the level of housing of different types and quality suggest the possibility of active development mobile home construction. Practical advantages of mobile homes in various regions of the world reflected in the popularity of their use, especially as a temporary, recreational, holiday and tourist accommodation. The use of mobile housing in Ukraine currently is limited functional-typological composition. Aim . Identify the features of the design and construction of mobile homes on the basis of studying the world and domestic experience based integrated assessment formative factors (environmental and fire safety, energy efficiency, reliability and sustainability, etc.). Analyzing of the resent research . In research on mobility and transform element residential buildings addressed such issues: the experience of adaptation of housing to changes in the life of their inhabitants in the form of transformation of the internal space and its versatility [1; 11]; the methodology and design of constructions differing movable , collapsible or foldable parts and features of formation of mobile home recreational purpose[19]; the evolution of human dwellings and projected a futuristic look at the structure of the living environment [14]. In the scientific development of modern authors on architectural topics most relevant topics related to energy issues: a study of the historical background of the development of energy efficient housing, development of the basic requirements and solutions, their formation, and the creation of engineering and efficient method of designing low-rise architecture [15]; an analysis of the use of alternative energy sources, identify the main ways of saving energy and the development of architecture energy-saving residential buildings of low and medium-rise [16]; the development of an integrated approach to the ecological – economic substantiation of creation of energy-efficient residential buildings using alternative energy sources [9]; the urgency of energy conservation in construction in the context of energy conservation for future generations, the use of renewable energy sources (RES) and the creation of energy efficient residential buildings with the use of "smart" building in the form of Autonomous control systems [10]; the use of renewable energy sources and secondary energy resources and construction of experimental houses [8]; the creation and formation energy active the property on marginal or degraded due to anthropogenic factors territories [5]; the establishment of new design standards of the dwelling based on the real experience of research, design, construction and operation of energy efficient engineering systems [4]. It seems appropriate to study the problem of mobile and modular housing in the context of the requirements of energy saving and energy efficiency. Conclude. A comparative analysis of the specificity of traditional and alternative (mobile) housing allowed us to identify the characteristic functional - typological features of mobile construction affecting its design, manufacture, erection and operation. Along with lighting experience in the use of mobile housing in modern conditions of Ukraine, the alternative variant for the organization of summer holidays for children from mobile homes-modulus.
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