Evaluation of canine retraction through distraction of the periodontal ligament: a clinical study.

Abstract The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of canine distraction and also to evaluate the position of canine in the arch after distraction. The study sample consisted of five patients, (4 males and 1 female), in the age group of 14 to 25 years who needed canine retraction (ten maxillary canines including both left and right) and first premolar extraction as their treatment protocol were included in the study. This study used a in-house manufactured periodontal ligament distractor. The maxillary canines were distracted distally by 6.42 mm in three and half weeks with a distal tipping of around 15.1° and the maxillary first molars tipped mesially by an average of 6.1°. The maxillary canines rotated mesiobucally by an average of 7.8° bilaterally. Canines can be distracted rapidly with minimal effects on the vitality and the periodontal condition and almost all of extraction space can be used for anterior dental alignment or retraction. Maxillary canines can be rapidly retracted into the first premolar extraction space at the rate of about 2.43 mm per week. The overall treatment time is reduced as the time taken for retraction of canine is decreased considerably from 6 and 8 months to 3 weeks. Also there is no significant anchorage loss during this period and is well suitable for cases with group a anchorage where the whole extraction space is needed for retraction of anterior teeth.
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