OBSEA: A Cabled Seafloor Observatory at the Spanish Mediterranean Coast

The implementation of submarine sensors at regional scale has been considered within the ESFRI Roadmap as a European strategic infrastructure. In this sense European Union has funded projects as ESONET and EMSO that are initiatives to establish a network of long-term deep sea observatories. Within this framework, Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation has made an effort, supporting and funding several projects concerning marine platforms at submarine and coastal areas to accomplish these technological challenges. The OBSEA submarine platform was deployed by the BO Sarmiento de Gamboa last 19th May, since then is working properly and only some adjustments have been needed. In this initial period the submarine laboratory OBSEA will be available for ESONET and EMSO communities for testing and developing new sensors, with the advantage of an easily reachable location and online checking through web page.
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