Experiential qur'anic learnings: enriching hafazan by exploring multitude of environmental based responses

This paper explored the indicators taken into consideration to identify the preferable learning environment by tahfizstudents. There are two objectives to this study: (i) to determine the ideal environment for hafazan(Qur'an memorisation)task by gender within 10 consecutive days through performance, perception and preferences; and (ii) to identify the students' emotional justification for the preference and perception towards the settings by gender. A mixed-method approach containing qualitative and quantitative method was applied on 24 tahfizstudents who were randomly selected as the sample and assigned into 5 different settings for 10 consecutive days of the experiment. The settings reflect the students'most common learning environment and learning style identified from the earlier conducted survey. The result found various patterns of settings nomination between genders. The green wall setting (GW) and face-to-face (FTF) positively influenced both male and female students in both perception and performance, directly and indirectly. Several key points that justified their preference and perceptions explained the emotional opinion shed some light on the dissonant patterns. Experiential learning with consideration of a multitude of responses is an essential indicator to understand the environmental influence in the memorisation of the Qur'an and in identifying an ideal criterion in tahfizlearning environment design. The paper concludes by outlining improvements for further investigation.
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