Rigor and Reproducibility in Shared Resources: ABRF Committee on Core Rigor and Reproducibility Survey Update.

: Shared scientific resources, also known as core facilities, support a significant portion of the research pursued in biomolecular research institutions. The Committee on Core Rigor and Reproducibility (CCoRRe) conducted a survey aimed at the scientific core community to gaininformation on how NIH initiatives on advancing scientific rigor and reproducibility have influenced current services and new technology development in shared scientific resources.In addition, the survey aimed to identify the challenges and opportunities scientific cores have related to implementation of new reporting requirements to identify new practices and resources needed to assure rigorous research. Presented is a rigorous re-analysis of the participants' responses and commentaries. Results revealed mixed perspectives and levels of awareness regarding the NIH guidelines. Many of the perceived challenges to the effective implementation of scientific rigor and reproducibility practices were similarly noted as challenge areas in effectively providing support services in a core setting. Further, most cores routinely use best practices and offer services that support rigor and reproducibility. These factors include access to well-maintained instrumentation, training on experimental design and data analysis, as well as data management. Feedback from the survey will enable the ABRF to build better educational resources and share critical best practice guidelines. ABRF sponsors a central information portal that can be expanded to provide timely information on meetings, training modules, online repositories and webinars supporting research integrity. These resources will provide important tools to the core community and the researchers they serve to positively impact rigor and transparency across the range of science and technology.
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