A fast, low-leakage, high-fidelity two-qubit gate for a programmable superconducting quantum computer

A common approach to realize conditional-phase (CZ) gates in transmon qubits relies on flux control of the qubit frequency to make computational states interact with non-computational ones using a fast-adiabatic trajectory to minimize leakage. We develop a bipolar flux-pulsing method with two key advantages over the traditional unipolar variant. First, the action of the bipolar pulse is robust to long-timescale linear-dynamical distortions in the flux-control line, facilitating tuneup and ensuring atomic repeatability. Second, the flux symmetry of the transmon Hamiltonian makes the conditional phase and the single-qubit phase of the pulsed qubit first-order insensitive to low-frequency flux noise, increasing fidelity. By harnessing destructive interference to minimize leakage, the bipolar pulse can approach the speed limit set by the exchange coupling. We demonstrate a repeatable, high-fidelity ($99.1\%$), low-leakage ($0.1\%$), and fast ($40~\mathrm{ns}$) CZ gate in a circuit QED quantum processor. Detailed numerical simulations with excellent match to experiment show that leakage is dominated by remaining short-timescale distortions and fidelity is limited by high-frequency flux noise.
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