Contribution au renforcement de la protection de la vie privée. : Application à l' édition collaborative et anonyme des documents.

This thesis aims to strengthen the protection of privacy of authors in collaborative editing of electronic documents. The first part of our work consisted in the design a secured model for a collaborative document editor. Documents' confidentiality is ensured through a decentralized access control mechanism. A second part of the work was to protect the identity of communicating users by ensuring their anonymity during collaborative document editing. Our concept of collaborative editor is based on the use of sets of modifications for a document, which we call textit{deltas}. Thus, deltas define versions of the document and they can keep the history of subsequent modifications. When a new version of a document appears, only the new delta that results must be transmitted and stored : documents are thus distributed across a set of storage sites (servers). We show how this allows, first, to reduce the load of document version control system, and secondly, to improve overall security of the collaborative system. Decentralized recovery of a new version requires only recovery of appropriate deltas against a previous version and is therefore more efficient than recovering the entire document. The information of the link between deltas is stored directly with deltas and not in a table or a metadata object, that improves their security. The version control system maintains consistency between versions. Once a user has retrieved versions, she holds them in local, and the history can be accessed at any time without being necessary to connect to the central server. Deltas can be identified, indexed and maintained their integrity through the use of hash functions.
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