Mortalitatea prin cancer de col uterin în România versus Uniunea Europeană – există nevoia de prevenţie?

The present study aimed to identify the specificities of the cervix cancer mortality in Romania, versus the European Union (EU) model. The study was descriptive and analysed the Romanian model of cervix cancer mortality compared to EU 28 and to three neighbouring countries - Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. Three directions of research were followed: rates’ comparison in 2010, trends analysis during 1970-2010 and estimated percentage change versus 1970 and 1990. In 2010 Romania had the highest mortality rate by cervix cancer in EU. Trends analysis showed that Romania historically had a very high level of mortality, but the difference compared to EU increased progressively. Meanwhile, cervix cancer mortality in Hungary and especially in Poland had a much favourable evolution.  Conclusions. Romania has a very unfavourable model of mortality by cervix cancer compared to EU, model that induces increasing differences in the health status versus EU, due to a slow progress in mortality improving in Romania.  Considering the current EU and WHO strategies, the alternatives of primary and secondary preventions existing at national level need to be analysed and improved, using the neighbouring countries experiences, in order to obtain a more rapid reduction in mortality.
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