Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic in Nigeria: Preventive and Control Challenges within the First Two Months of Outbreak

The spread of the novel Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has continued to rise in Nigeria despite all scientifically proven preventive measures. Factors militating against preventive and control efforts are yet to be addressed thus the study examined COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria within the first two months of outbreak and its preventive and control challenges. Data from the daily updates of Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) were graphically used to describe the trend of spread while facts from both verified online and print media reports on COVID-19 were used to assess the challenges. Outcome of the study showed a steady increase in COVID-19 from one case on the 27 th of February 2020 to 1,932 confirmed cases, 58 fatalities, and 319 discharged cases by 30 th April 2020. COVID-19 preventive measures in the country include hand washing, use of sanitizers, wearing of face masks, lockdown and social distancing. Factors which undermined government preventive efforts were poor compliance attitude, selective lockdown, social media interference, misconceptions and myths, stigmatization, fear, inadequate health facilities, and distrust for government. It is recommended among others that there is need to ameliorate the adverse effects of COVID-19 misconceptions and myths through evidence-based campaigns using all sources of information. (Afr J Reprod Health 2020 (Special Edition); 24[2]:87-97)
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