Framework guidelines for students - collaborative learning in distance education

This research study explores theoretical framework guidelines for students engaged in distanceeducation through collaborative learning. Distance education has played an important role in the provision ofeducational equity for distance learners who live in remote Australian communities. Engaging students andacademic staff will always enhance student-learning outcomes to ensure a positive experience in distanceeducation. It can be effectively achieved through collaborative learning for off-campus learners. In distanceeducation, academic staff and students encounters a number of challenges such as lack of student motivation, highstudent attrition rates, and a sense of isolation from a university community. Collaborative learning experienceswill enhance learner-staff and learner-learner interactions in distance learning, which can be achieved throughdeveloping a learning process. The learning process for distance learners involves student-learning strategy, Staffinteractive sessions, peer-to-peer support, e-assessment, and self-realization of graduate learning outcomes. Thisdistance learning process and framework guidelines are confined for Deakin University learning environment,however the expectations is that the distance learning will be more mainstream in future of learning and teachingin Australian institutions. The focus of this research is to develop framework guidelines by analyzing collaborativelearning experience of distance learners (off-campus) in a particular unit. It helps to analyze the barriers indistance education and finding ways to initiate collaborative programs in future. It also helps to fulfill the distancelearners’ expectations on program delivery.
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