Down-regulation of beta receptors by desipramine in vitro involves PKC/phospholipase A2.

: Chronic treatment with a number of antidepressants results in a down-regulation and/or a desensitization of rat cortical beta-adrenergic receptors (beta ARs). Although these effects generally have been attributed to elevations in intrasynaptic norepinephrine via presynaptic mechanisms, the recent demonstration of similar changes in beta ARs following in vitro incubation of cultured cells with desipramine (DMI) suggests that direct, postsynaptic mechanisms may also be involved. To study these mechanisms, we incubated rat C6 glioma cells with 10 microM DMI for 1 or 5 days. DMI produced a significant reduction in beta AR density following chronic (but not acute) treatment (BMAX control = 1325 +/- 78 fmol/mg; DMI = 1179 +/- 96; p less than .05). Interestingly, the beta AR down-regulation was accompanied by an increase in KL/KH ratio (ratio of dissociation constants for the low- and high-affinity states of the receptor), suggesting that these drugs may stabilize the high-affinity complex. DMI treatment attenuated the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) response to 1 microM isoproterenol (control = 540 +/- 82 pmol/mg/15 min; DMI = 335 +/- 64; p less than .05), but not to agents acting distal to the receptor (cholera toxin or forskolin). Coincubation of C6 cells with either the phospholipase A2 (PLA2) inhibitor mepacrine or the protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor H7, during chronic treatment with DMI, blocked the down-regulation of beta ARs. Incubation of C6 cells with phorbol esters (PKC activators) also down-regulated beta ARs, effects that were nonadditive with those of DMI. Incubation with H7 alone resulted in an up-regulation of beta ARs, consistent with a tonic regulatory effect of PKC on beta ARs.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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