Detection of gastrointestinal and abdominal infections by 99mTc-antigranulocyte antibodies.

Background/Aims: The aim of the study was detection of abdominal infections by 99m Tc- antigranulocyte antibodies. Methodology: Total of 36 patients with clinical suspicion on abdominal or gastrointestinal infections was investigated. Results: There were 23 true positive (TP) findings (one pulmonary abscess, 2 subhepatic abscesses after surgery, 2 perianal fistula, 2 chronic and 4 acute appendicitis, 5 abdominal and 3 pelvic abscesses, 3 M.Crohn, one ulcerative colitis), 9 true negative (TN) (3 tumors of the coecum, 2 tumors of papilla Wateri, 2 gastric carcinoma, 2 colon carcinoma), and 4 false negative (FN) (2 abscesses subphrenic and 2 enterocolic fistula). False positive (FP) findings were not observed. The smallest lesion found was 19x18 mm. SPECT increased the number of TP findings from 17 to 23. Fifteen of 23 infectious of inflammatory lesions could be detected in the early scan. Sensitivity was 85%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 69% and accuracy 89%. Conclusion: According to the present results, scintigraphy with 99m Tc antigranulocyte antibodies is a useful method for detection and assessment of exact localization abdominal infections, which is very important for the prompt and appropriate therapy.
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