EEG findings in heroin addicts during induction and maintenance on methadone

Abstract This study investigated changes in the EEG of addicts initially on heroin as they progressed through the induction and maintenance phases of a methadone program. Spectral analysis of bipolar recordings revealed significant consistent differences only in the eyes-closed resting state. Patients under the influence of heroin showed large sharp peaks at 9–10 c/sec, particularly in the parieto-occipital recording. Methadone induction led either to marked reduction of this peak and widening of alpha band activity or to an increase in frequency of the alpha peak to 12 c/sec. After several months of methadone the alpha peak was still absent unless heroin abuse was present, a theta peak was present in three of four patients, and the alpha bandwidth remained broad. Changes in the theta band were more difficult to interpret.
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