The problems concerning assay of anti-ATLA by immunofluorescence, enzyme-immuno assays, gelatin particle agglutination and western blot methods.

Human T-lymphotropic virus type-I (HTLV-I) have been demonstrated as the causative virus of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) by Y. Hinuma and R. C. Gallo. ATL is backed by numerous healthy carriers of HTLV-I, especially in ATL endemic areas, Nagasaki districts. Then, we have to prevent the spread of HTLV-I by transmission through blood transfusion from healthy donors having anti-ATLA. Therefore, it is important that anti-ATLA is exactly examined.Comparative studies using the three kind of methods for anti-ATLA (Immunofluorescence: IF, Enzyme-immune assay: EIA, Gelatin particle agglutination: PA) are performed. Anti-ATLA positive rate of 220 sera stored in our laboratory by IF, the EIA-I (provided by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., LMT. Otsuka Assay Institute), the EIA-II (Eitest-ATL) and PA (Serodia-ATLA) were 55.0%, 44.5%, 55.0% and 56.8% respectively. These rate without the EIA-I are statisticaly no significant. Therefore, these two kitts (Eitest-ATL and serodia-ATLA) are useful for screening of blood transfusion and seroepidemiology.
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