La práctica clínica de la inmunoterapia con alérgenos en México según 277 alergólogos encuestados durante un curso trianual

Background: There are different guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment with allergen immunotherapy (AIT). Objetivo: Our objective was to describe how the Mexican allergists diagnoses and treat alimentary and respiratory allergies with AIT. Method: Through a questionnaire completed by the 227 allergists that attended an Immunotherapy Symposium. We inquire about the practice patterns of diagnosis of allergy to airborne and food allergens and practice of AIT. Results: 227 allergists completed the survey. Concerning respiratory/food allergy: most allergists use skin prick tests for the diagnosis (100 %/87.7 %), 55.5 %/63 % use serum specific IgE against complete allergens and 14.1/13.2 % against molecular components for diagnosis. For aeroallergens, 81 % prescribe subcutaneous AIT, 77.9 % sublingual liquid AIT and 1.8 % tablet SLIT, but 45 % indicated they might use tablet SLIT in the future. Regarding food allergy, most respondents do not prescribe AIT in our country. There is considerable interest in learning how to practice food allergen immunotherapy (55 % oral), (59 % sublingual). Conclusions: Among most Mexican allergists, there are similarities in the practice of diagnosis of allergic diseases and AIT, in line with the recommendations of different institutions. Moreover, there is the flexibility to adopt new administration schedules and interest in continuing medical education.
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