Social network: evaluation of the support or containment contexts of lesbian mothers

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the social network of lesbian mothers, from the social contexts of support or restraint. METHOD: Descriptive, exploratory study, of qualitative approach, based on the theoretical reference of Social Network, with eight lesbian mothers selected through Snowball technique, using semi-structured interview. Data analysis was performed with IRAMUTEQ software, through Similarity Analysis. RESULTS: The social network is configured as: 1) Emotional distance and non-acceptance of motherhood by the family members - primary network elements; 2) Interference in the socio-cultural medium for the effectiveness of the mother-child bond - secondary network elements. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Social network is grounded on trivialized and negative conceptions that highlight prejudice and disrespect. The discussion of this theme contributes to a greater visibility of those new family arrangements as well as to reduce stigmas e prejudices that pervade the social network components of these women.
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