Development of Database of Maize Hybrids and Open Pollinated Varieties Released and Notified for Cultivation in India

The maize database, first of its kind in India, is a central repository for cultivars i.e. hybrids and open pollinated varieties (OPVs) notified for cultivation in India since the inception of All India Coordinated Maize Improvement Project (AICMIP) in 1957. The database includes the information on cultivars developed from public as well as private breeding programmes. Besides, information on registered germplasm is also given. The database carries image gallery showcasing photographs of cobs/standing crop of the public-bred cultivars released after 1993.The database also presents information about adaptability of cultivars, average yield and disease, and insect-pest resistance along with the parental materials used in breeding programmes. Information on 31 descriptors as per Distinctivity, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) tests in respect of parental lines and their hybrids that were filed for protection under “Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, 2001” (PPVFRAct, 2001) has been supplemented. In addition, the database provides contact information on developers of the notified cultivars thereby facilitating interactions among the members of maize community. The information contained within maize database can be accessed at on-line expert system called maize AGRIdaksh ( Information on notified cultivars (1961-2010) parental lines and cultivars (1993-2012) filed under PPVFRAct, 2001 can also be accessed at hybrids and composite varieties released in India. Whereas, information about registered germplasm (2003-2012) can be accessed at
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