Skull metastasis in primary vulvar adenocarcinoma of the Bartholin's gland: A case report

Abstract Background. Metastatic bone involvement in vulvar squamous carcinoma is very rare. Here, we present a case of primary adenocarcinoma of the Bartholin's gland giving rise to isolated skull metastasis. Case. A 74-year-old woman was referred with a diagnosis of primary vulvar adenocarcinoma of the right labium minus. A right hemivulvectomy was performed with ipsilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy, revealing a primary adenocarcinoma of the Bartholin's gland and metastatic involvement in 6 out of 13 lymphnodes. During chemotherapy administration, the patient started complaining of a worsening of right hypoacousis. CT scan and MRI of the brain showed the presence of a metastatic lesion on the right side of the skullbone. The diagnosis was metastatic poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma. Conclusion. In adenocarcinoma of the Bartholin's gland at an advanced stage of disease, a bone scan or survey in the preoperative as well as follow up staging procedures could be useful.
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