Carbon Interdigitated Array Nanoelectrodes for Electrochemical Applications

Redox current amplification has been demonstrated using carbon interdigitated array IDA nanoelectrodes derived from precursorpolymer microstructures through conventional photolithography and pyrolysis. This simple conversion process, also known ascarbon-microelectromechanical systems, enables nanometer-level fabrication of carbon materials in a reproducible and an eco-nomic manner. We demonstrated that with carbon IDA nanoelectrodes fabricated in two mask processes a current amplificationfactor of 25 can be obtained. This high amplification factor is a result of the efficient recycling of redox species between the 1:1aspect ratio carbon nanoelectrodes. This type of a current amplification value is hard to obtain when using more traditional flatnanometer level spaced noble metal IDA electrodes fabricated with more expensive nanopatterning processes such as E-beamlithography.© 2011 The Electrochemical Society. DOI: 10.1149/1.3531952 All rights reserved.Manuscript submitted July 7, 2010; revised manuscript received September 25, 2010. Published January 13, 2011.
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