Assessing the Physical and Economic Water Productivity of Annual Crops in Moghan Plain and Analyzing the Relationship between Physical and Economic Water Productivity

In this research, water productivity of annual crops in Moghan plain using physical and economic productivity indices were evaluated and the relationship between physical and economic productivity based on field data has were analyzed. The physical productivity of wheat, canola, soybean, rice, corn, forage, corn, melon, alfalfa, tomato, barley, nectarine, watermelon, cucumber and sugar beet were 1/27, 0/5, 0/67, 0/069, 4/5, 0/45, 3/2, 0/25, 3/46, 1/19, 0/55, 3/1, 0/42 and 5/5 (kg / m3), respectively. Also, Economic water productivity of these crops were 1098, 572, 702, 313, 542, 2286, 322, 97, 832, 685, 547, 279, 267 and 1111, respectively. (Tomans/m3). The results of the interaction matrix and the density of the physical and economic water productivity showed that barley, rice, alfalfa, nylon, cucumber and canola are relatively weak or weak based on physical and economical water productivity indices. Forage, melon and honey physical productivity was in good condition, while in terms of economic productivity, the situation is relatively weak. Among the studied crops, only Sugar beet and tomato water productivity were at a good or good situation for both indices. In general, the results of the research showed relatively poor water productivity at the plain. Also, the findings showed that there is no logical and mathematical relationship between the two indices of physical and economical productivity water. Depending on the water productivity index, the proposed management approaches will be completely different. Hence, both indices should be evaluated in each region and differences of indices should be noticed in water planning.
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