The performance of Brevicoryne brassicae on ornamental cabbages grown in CO2-enriched atmospheres

Abstract The effect of different atmospheric CO 2 concentrations on life table parameters and the biology of the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae , when fed on two cultivars of ornamental cabbage, was studied in a greenhouse designed for CO 2 studies. Aphid performance was influenced by increasing atmospheric CO 2 levels, significantly affecting the intrinsic rate of increase (r m ), finite rate of increase (λ), mean generation time (T), doubling time (DT), and pre-reproductive period. The longest pre-reproductive period was observed for aphids grown at 380 ppm CO 2 . The intrinsic rate of natural increase was highest for aphids at 1050 ppm CO 2 , because of their faster development, high daily rate of progeny production, and higher survivorship. Future elevated CO 2 concentrations will enhance aphid population outbreaks and consequently increase the damage caused.
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