Importance of using micronucleus test for hospital personnel exposed to cytostatics – Croatian study

Health personnel and administration is exposed to health risks. The paper ´s objective is to show that despite protection measures the exposed persons´ health is damaged. The government and management show intentions to enhance protection programs but they lack the means because of recession. Twenty-seven employees of Clinical Centre Rijeka working with cytostatics have been analyzed by micronucleus test. In 11 nurses at the Pediatric oncology, 10 nurses at Internal hematology and 6 at Oncology there have been no significant differences in MN, p=0.2106, p>0.05, mean 10 MN, range 2-29. In 7 nurses differences from referential values in the number of MN/1000 binuclear cells were found and they were not allowed to work for six months. Occupational medicine was done his part for the hospital. Meanwhile the problem of payment according to the Rules guarantied special standard remains since MN test although compulsory is not a part of routine examination
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