From the Construction of Identity to the Destruction of the Self in Simone Weil [Spanish]

From our interpretation of Simone Weil’s works, we propose two lecture lines to understand her conception of individual identity: first, we show that, according to Weil, man builds, through his work, the image of himself that he attempts to be. We will show that, behind this search, there is a structural problem: the repetition of an insatiable mechanism related to the self’s desire of expansion, where, as soon as the instant of contact with the projected image is reached, this image is remodeled and launched forward until the unreachable horizon of desire. And secondly, we will see that in opposition to this path of identity’s construction which arises from work, in the last weilian period it appears a search of destruction of the identification momentum, that implies a conscious discipline of control of the self’s expansion and the desire of power which is related.
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