Antički nalazi iz zbirke franjevačkog samostana sv. Bernardina Sijenskog u Kamporu na otoku Rabu

It has been almost six centuries since the construction of the Abbey with the church of St. Bernardine of Sienna in Kampor on the island Rab. This place ever since represents a religious, economic and cultural center where many values of the island's heritage have been preserved. Thanks to the devoted work of the franciscan minors among the preserved material there is also a modest but significant archaeological collection with exhibits from prehistoric times to the new era. Apart from the valuable donations of Ivan Kugli, among other things, the numismatic collection, the other finds are mainly of Rab's provenance. With detailed processing of these finds (amphoras, ancient ceramic oil lamps - lucernae, roof tiles – tegulae, mosaics, immured tombstones reliefs, statue of the goddess Diana and lost zoomorphic vessel in shape of pantera) are sporadically mentioned some finds found on the island Rab, still in needs for the establishment of the Local heritage Museum.
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