An applicability assessment and sensitivity analysis of land use impact models: application of the LANCA model in site-specific conditions

In this work, we study a land use impact model with the aim of obtaining spatially differentiated as opposed to default average characterisation factors. In particular, we study the application of LANCA®, a multi-indicator model with available country average characterisation factors expressing the alteration of the soil quality level of the current land use of one kind with respect to a reference situation. To this purpose, we use the LANCA® method documentation at a higher spatial resolution and apply all the required elemental steps. From a user perspective, we score the transparency of the method down to the basic methodological references and single out the source of errors that the user may incur when: (i) collecting the input data, (ii) selecting the appropriate soil/land classes and (iii) applying the individual calculation steps. For a greater insight, we couple the source of errors with a sensitivity analysis. In the comparison between a site-specific test area and the related country default values, we obtained relevant discrepancies regarding the erosion resistance and the physicochemical filtration of the soil. For example, we find that the erosion resistance potential is −1.06 * 10−3 kg m2 a−1 locally while the country default value is 13.1. We explain differences through the sensitivity analysis and having analysed in depth the underpinned soil erosion equation and the critical steps for its calibration. Together with systematic errors, we find that the method generally implies 9 scarcely guided steps out of 42, and one-third of the basic methodologies are not fully explained or accessible. These factors make the results related to Biotic Production, Mechanical Filtration, Physicochemical Filtration and Groundwater Regeneration user dependent and — in this sense — difficult to replicate. From the analysis, we distil 7 main directions for improvement addressed to LANCA® and soil models especially in sight of a broader application of a regionalised life cycle impact assessment.
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