Detection of single nucleotide polymorphisms using a biosensor-containing titanium-well array.

: The rapid identification and verification of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were demonstrated using a well array sensor containing anti-biofouling titanium (Ti). Probe single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) was immobilized inside a titanium-well array on amine-modified glass surfaces with anti-biofouling behavior via a streptavidin-biotin interaction. Fluorescence intensity changes originating from the hybridization of nucleic acids to protein-bound nucleic acids linked to Alexa Fluor (FL) 647 were observed. The protocol was highly sensitive and reproducible for the detection of DNA hybridization. Significant changes in fluorescence signals were observed when using target DNA with a single base mismatch, indicating that this method is applicable to SNP detection. The microarray technology for the detection of SNPs using anti-biofouling Ti and other methods can be used as a highly sensitive in vitro medical sensor, as highlighted by an increase in genotyping accuracy.
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