Kayseri ili’nin meyvecilik potansiyeli açısından analizi / Analysis of Kayseri province in terms of fruit growing potential

M.O. 8. yuzyilda Roma Imparatoru Julius Ceasar’in adina Ceasarea adi verilen Kayseri, tam 2000 yildir bu isim ile anilmaktadir. Ilk yerlesim yeri simdiki sehir merkezinden 20 km kuzey doguda bulunan Kanis Hoyugu olan Kayseri, M.O. 2800 yilindan gunumuze kadar sirasiyla Hititler, Frigler, Asurlular, Lidyalilar, Medler, Persler, Cappacodia Kralligi, Romalilar, Bizanslilar, Selcuklular, Mogollar, Karamanogullari ve Osmanli medeniyetlerine ev sahipligi yapmis guzel bir Anadolu sehridir. Bir sanayi ve ticaret merkezi olan Kayseri, guclu bir ekonomiye sahip olmasina ragmen meyvecilik acisindan istenilen duzeye ulasamamis, bu noktada mevcut potansiyelini hakkiyla kullanamamistir. Meyvecilik alanlari 6.207 ha olup, toplam arazi varliginin % 0,9’unu olusturmaktadir. Meyveler arasinda en fazla yetistirilen tur 94 bin tonu asan uretimi ile elma olup ikinci sirada kayisi yer almaktadir. Bu turlerle birlikte kiraz da bolgeye iyi uyum saglayabilecek bir tur olarak degerlendirilebilir. Bolge ekolojisine uygun turler arasinda erik, armut ve ceviz de yer almaktadir. Bahse konu turlerde yoreye uygun cesitlerin belirlenmesinde Erciyes Universitesi Seyrani Ziraat Fakultesi’nin katkisi zaman icinde kendisini gosterecektir. Hazirlanan bu calisma ile Kayseri ili tarimsal alt yapisi ve ekolojisi meyvecilik acisindan tartisilmis ve genel bir analiz yapilmistir.  Kayseri, called Ceasarea on behalf of the Roman Emperor Julius Ceasar in BC 8th century, has been commemorated with this name for 2000 years. The first settlement was Mound Poodle which is 20 km northeast of the present city center. Kayseri is a nice Anatolian province which hosted the Hittites, Phrygians, Assyrians, Lydians, Medes, Persians, Cappacodia Kingdom, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuks, Mongols, Karamanoglu seigniory, and Ottoman civilizations from BC 2800 to the present, respectively. Although, Kayseri is an industrial and commercial center and has a strong economy, it couldn’t reached the desired level in terms of fruit growing and couldn’t use the existing potential at this point. Fruit growing area is 6.207 ha and this is 0,9% of  total land of Kayseri. Fruit species that the most produced is apple with exceed 94.000 tons and is followed by apricot. In addition to that species cherry also considered as a good adaptable fruit species. Plum, pear and walnut are among species which are suitable in this region ecology. Seyrani Agricultural Faculty of Erciyes University will determine suitable cultivars to the region in these species in time. In this study, fruit growing in Kayseri province was discussed for agricultural substructure and ecology and a general analysis was made.
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