Неалкогольная жировая болезнь печени - взгляд на диагностичекие перспективы

This article observes the main trends in the diagnosis of non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis, which have been observed in world practice recently. From a practical point of view, one of the most significant events was the introduction of a new term “metabolically associated fatty liver disease” (MAFLD), which partly replaced the previously used term “primary non-alcoholic fatty liver disease”. The new nomenclature induces clear diagnostic criteria for MAFLD, and this disease has ceased to be a diagnosis of exclusion, as a result. In the near future, the practical aspects of the application of this nomenclature and new diagnostic criteria are to be evaluated. The second important trend is the increasing role of direct serum markers of liver fibrosis in the diagnosis and prognosis of MAFLD. Thus, collagen type 3 propeptide (PRO-C3), as well as M2BPGi (Mac2 Binding Proteine Glycosylation isomer), look very promising, since research data have demonstrated a higher diagnostic value of these markers in comparison with indirect fibrosis indices, which are most often used in clinical practice. In addition, the search continues for new direct serum markers of fibrosis, which would be more sensitive for detecting liver fibrosis of stages 1-2. In general, one should expect a gradual replacement by serological markers of fibrosis of technically more complex and expensive diagnostic methods, such as magnetic resonance elastography and fibroelastometry.
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