Design Of Hydraulic Fluid Formulation For High Temperature And Deep Wells For Better Well Management

Hydraulic fracturing of high temperature Indian reservoirs located in southern and western regions of India has been a challenge as no suitable fracturing fluid was available in-house for such high formation temperature (>130°C) and deep wells (>3500m). Multinational service provider companies offer a total package at an exorbitant cost and no transfer of technology.                     Though the deep and high temperature wells (upto 130°C) in southern region have been successfully fractured, there are still many candidate wells with higher formation temperature and also at higher depths. Hydraulic fracturing in such wells was not being feasible in absence of a suitable fracturing fluid system customized to suit the high temperature regime. This necessitated a thorough study with the objective of evolving out with a high temperature fracturing fluid formulation.                    A high temperature fracturing fluid system was recently developed at WSS, Ahmedabad laboratory after detailed studies and experiments with numerous chemicals and analyzing their sensitivity and compatibility to the entire fluid system. The developed formulation is able to impart the required stability to cross linked gel at high temperature and also provides the requisite delay to reduce the surface treating pressures. A combination breaker system has been built in the fracturing fluid to enable complete gel breaking within the stipulated time frame. The formulation after extensive lab trials has been used successfully in a few high temperature wells in the western region. The results have been very fruitful and the same fluid has been used in the main frac jobs. This paper describes the case history of the recent field application of the in-house developed frac fluid formulation. The lab experiments are described in details as are the field trials. The success of the formulation will go a long way towards ensuring operational success in many other candidate wells in adverse environment.
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